Whale Then

Apr 05, 2021
Sometimes when my heart
Gets lost in the fog,
And the sun rays of joy
Can’t find their way through
I remember Alaska,
On the open water
Sunshine raining down
Anywhere the clouds made space.
Deep blue, cold water
Crisp chill of wind on my face.
Nothing but water, birds and seals
for a long time___then he came.
He leapt into the air
Splashing onto his back,
Over twice the length of the boat.
He leapt again,
Close to us now.
Pure power
Pure control
Pure grace
This was for me.
This was why we had come.
Tears burst out of me,
Unaware of a longing suddenly met.
He rolled up to the surface,
His great fin striking the water
Over and over he struck
Each clap breaking up the iceberg in my heart.
No going back now, I’m cracked open.
I remember you.
I remember me.
I accept this death to my way of seeing the world
And this rebirth of ancient knowing.
Some memories are so vivid
Like a time loop to a past anchor point.
I remember.
Nothing but water, birds and seals for awhile now.
Here he comes again.


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