Time to Heal
Feb 06, 2021
What do you think healing means?
Do you think it’s about finally noticing you are uncomfortable
With all of the choices that brought you to this moment?
It is that. But, not only that.
Do you think it is giving your power away and asking for
Some great force to just take care of things?
It is that. But, not only that.
Do you think it is taking action on the steps you already
Know that you should be taking?
It is that. But, not only that.
Do you think it is about feeling all of those hard feelings
You have been afraid to feel for so long?
It is that. But, not only that.
Do you think it is outrageously hard?
It can be.
Do you think it just takes asking and all is given?
It can be.
Healing only happens when there has been a wound.
Is this wound fresh?
Is it very old and nearly forgotten?
Is it deep down, festering and voracious?
Is it all over the surface so everyone can see?
Listen first.
Right now.
What is THIS wound you are experiencing?
How EXACTLY does it feel?
Does that feel familiar?
When was the first time you felt like this?
When was the last time you felt healthy and strong?
How far apart are those two feelings?
That gap is what healing can bridge for you.
It takes some time to sort through the clutter.
It takes some time to throw out what is not working.
It takes some time to decide on what foundation to build.
It takes some time to prepare the soil.
And it takes time:
To plant.
To water and feed.
To grow something new.
Instant gratification is the prison of the mind.
When grace arrives,
The freedom and complete satiation
Makes every bit of the suffering a tiny bit of perfection.
I believe in you.
Let’s begin.
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