The Tyranny of Small Things
Feb 06, 2021TTST
I’ve decided to start my own acronym.
The Tyranny of Small Things
Too many to keep a list now.
I have grown past
My capacity to do it alone.
Without stunting my growth.
Tasks and details pop up
Like mushrooms on the lawn
Sudden hints of a deeper system going on.
You down with TTST?
Ya, you know me!
Maybe these small things
Foster the web of connection
Like fungi supporting the plants.
Can I see them as helpful,
Rather than overwhelming
Or excuses for my shortcomings?
Building a web between you and me.
Fungi degrade the dead
Digesting what’s toxic into soil
For their own agenda.
Have vigilance to not let them
Take over the place
Or it’s itchy business.
Better get that checked out.
What is the balance
Between growth and decay?
What are the tasks I have for today?
Not too many
And not too few
Life is having something to do.
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