The OUTside

impact in mind mindfulness out poem senses taste Jan 28, 2024

Notice the edges

Of you.


The places where your

Skin meets the air.


Where your mind meets

The stillness.


And your ears meet

The music.


The place where your

Eyes touch the colors,


And your tongue

Finds the sweetness.


This is the OUTside

Of you.


Sometimes, the OUTside can

Alter your INside.


You might lose your



Or the colors might begin

To fade,


Your ears might begin to seek

Only quiet,


And your mind may search for

A place of rest.


However this might be for you,



Then take the actions

That are the most kind.


To bring you back to a

Place of balance.


Because the INside can

Alter the OUTside too.


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