Take the Lead

lead mindfulness power superpowers together Apr 02, 2023
Paper boats

It takes courage 

To make a change.


Life is not quite as simple as

Jumping off of a diving board.


It requires a different kind of courage.

Well—sometimes, it requires a leap,


But then life keeps offering

‘Opportunities for growth’.


Practicing trust helps make

Facing the fear a little easier.


But, fear adapts—and tries again,

Persistent little bugger.


I’m surprised at how quickly 

We forget all we have already overcome.


A myriad of challenging circumstances

All surpassed with flying colors!


So—maybe we fell down a few times

And face planted—and everyone saw it.


It’s okay. 

Not a one of us will make it out alive.


What does it take to create

the courage to keep moving forward?


We generally most need 

What we do best for others.


What do you do best?

Is that what you need right now?


Are you ready to do that thing for you?

Are you ready to take the lead?


There are others out here with you

Doing what we do best too.


Maybe we can remind one another

What really matters around here.


And grab some more of those ‘circumstances’

By the cajones—and show them who’s boss.


I know I could use some help,

Especially from someone as talented as you!


See you out there…


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