Systems Check
Dec 19, 2021
What if our bodies came equipped
with their own internal operations manual?
I mean, heck—They are already:
Immune educated
Adaptable to nearly any environment
Able to reproduce and feed another being
And many, many, other cool things….
Perhaps they do come with a manual?
What would that be like?
A manual in the language of the body.
Got an interpreter?
Have you considered how many messages
Your body already sends you each day?
Generally, it spends most of its time
Selflessly doing whatever you ask of it.
But, it also sometimes
Turns weird colors,
Smells funny,
Stays awake when you want to sleep,
Poops too much or too little,
Feels tired and sluggish,
Finds delicious,
Tells you NOT to turn down that street,
Lets you know who to trust.
Your body is actually
CRAZILY intelligent.
Well, technically, it is actually a community
Of about 37 trillion cells.
THEY are crazily intelligent.
And, despite their massive numbers
And incredible diversity of behaviors
They cooperate successfully
In carrying you around.
It might actually be billions of languages
We need to learn to hear.
I have spent many years
Listening to many bodies.
They are all speaking
Right now.
What is yours
Saying to you?
That message is the
Most important.
But, if you would like, you can try a broader approach
And do a Systems Check.
You have 11 body systems.
Nervous, Endocrine, Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Digestive, Lymphatic, Skeletal, Muscular, Integumentary, Urinary and Reproductive.
I usually try a highly advanced approach like:
“Hi (Nervous) system, how are you?” And listen for the response.
Let me know what YOUR body had to say.
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