Soft and Strong

action align ancestors anchored children garden inheritance Jul 08, 2024
Magic pink rhododendron flowers on summer mountain

My grandmother’s eyes,

Piercing blue intensity.


Soft skin and white hair,

Cushioning the blow of her gaze.


Having come to accept

The fullness of her power.




My mother’s heart,

Held open in the most exquisite pain.


Her voice unwavering,

In full alignment with her belief.


The power of unlimited possibility,

Anchored in abundance.




My aunt’s Hearth,

A heaven on earth.


Her garden of healing,

Tended and raised over lifetimes.


Seeds planted in fertile soil,

Thousands have taken root.




My sister’s courage,

Loving through the impossible.


Strength to engage and build,

While carrying her children on her back.


Riding the emotion ocean,

Moment by moment.




My daughter’s wisdom,

So often silent.


Engaging beauty

As if it were their pet.


Infectious with revolution,

Holding the children’s hands.




My wife’s laughter,

Bringing balance to insanity.


Divine harmonies,

Generous beyond reason.


The scent of grace,

Play and reckoning.




I am soft and strong.


This garden of power is my inheritance.

I will keep my heart open to possibility.

I will plant seeds for our children.

I will water them with beauty.


My revolution is love.

Anchoring heaven on earth.


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