Dec 03, 2023The aftermath of
Collective limiting belief
Having overpowered your
Inherent sense of what’s real,
And convincing you of
Your wrongness,
Is an unending mental
For a solution to entirely
The wrong question.
What question will bring you
Back to your center?
To your mind’s
To the empty space in which
Even the i is unheard?
Wrong, comes from the
Indo-European root wer-
To turn or bend,
In the sense of evading.
Wer became wyrgan-
To kill by strangling.
Closely connected with
Writhe, wrestle, weird, and wriggle.
Once caught into this
Polarized game of war,
No amount of effort ever
Results in peace.
The question, “Who am I?”
Is an all-time favorite.
I like to ask, “What is
The best question for me to ask?”
Today, my question is:
“Aubrey, what do you love?"
What do I love?
My mind faithfully seeks the answer,
It starts by looking in my heart.
Tentatively, submissively,
Respectful to my heart’s power.
Gently touching each memory.
I love this. I love her. I love him.
Each one reminding me of our strength.
That was a pretty good one!
What question did you get?
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