New Growth

emotional health grow meditations on life mindfullness nature Jun 07, 2021

It’s been quite a year.

Storms of all sorts.


Yesterday, just after the rain

A purple-heavy rainbow lit the sky.


Hinting of permanent change with

Fresh hope for something new.


Wet on my morning walk today.

Baptized by water blessings from the trees.


Tiny blades of grass 

Sweetly waving hello.


Have you noticed the new growth?


The trees are doing very well this year,

Inches of new bright green sprouts.


The roses and blackberries already lush at the

Beginning of their season too.


What’s new with you?

Have the storms cleared anything away?


Are you already lush 

With the blooms and fruits for this season?


Are you feeling the blessings of renewal?

Are you still caught in the storm?


Growth comes.

Sometimes overnight, sometimes over years.


There is no going back.


Can I embrace what is?

Raining blessings on my head?


Can I surrender to life 

Blooming its expression through me?


I have beauty and fruits to offer,

It’s going to be a rich season.


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