My Kind
Aug 05, 2024
Do you listen?
With your full being?
When we are heard and seen,
We rarely feel alone.
Do you laugh?
Life is fucking hilarious.
So much joy to be had,
Do you find it and share it?
Do you act with conviction?
When you know, do you go?
Courageously making waves,
Knowing others may get wet.
Do you tell the truth?
They say it sets you free.
Truth is the cleanest cut,
When refinement is needed.
Do you own your mistakes?
Take full responsibility for you?
Accountable to your word,
Celebrating your progress.
Do you have a playful heart?
Curious and ready to imagine.
Beauty leading the way,
Valuing wonder and mystery.
Do you anchor in spirit?
Connect to an inner knowing.
Belief driven by evidence,
Of great and tiny synchronicities.
Do you have a calling?
Do you remember why you came?
Are you here to bring change?
Your heart leading the way.
Do you want to co-create?
Working together to evolve.
Do you feel the others—ready?
Waiting to connect and build with you.
What’s your kind?
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