Mar 13, 2022
Look again dear one,
Look closer and with new eyes.
Who were you when
You made that choice?
What was the momentum
Leading up to that moment?
What responsibility did you take?
Was that a Miss-take?
Were there others involved?
What role did they play?
Were each of you anchored
In a place of love and peace?
Or did fear play a role
In your outcomes?
Look again dear one,
Look closer and with your heart.
Who were you when
You made that choice?
What responsibility did they take?
Was that a Miss-take?
Were there other factors at play
Influencing how each of you responded?
Systems of thought,
Passed through generations?
Stresses of not having each of your
Base heart needs met?
Look again dear one,
Look closer and with your knowing.
Who were you when
You made that choice?
What responsibility did your family and community take?
Was that a Miss-Take?
Who is to blame?
What use is shame?
Right now.
In this moment.
What do you see?
What does your heart say?
What does your knowing remind you?
or Take.
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