Sep 09, 2024
How are you?
Are you okay?
How are your loved ones?
Are they okay?
Is everyone being
Fed? held? seen? heard? loved?
Do they remember how
To unplug and restore?
It’s time now.
Time to gather.
The mothers, sisters, and grandmothers
Are waking with this new dawn.
Our collective mental illness
Must be met with fierce love.
The fathers, brothers, and grandfathers
Are finding their hearts and right action.
The children must be allowed to
Define our new ways of being.
It’s time now.
Time to gather.
Bring your gifts
And your favorite stories.
Bring your trusted companions,
And your animal friends.
Bring your creativity and imagination,
We need our most powerful tools.
Step onto the land,
The one right under your feet.
It’s time now.
Time to gather.
Join your hearts.
Open your ears.
Listen to each other’s stories.
Listen to nature all around you.
Feed the others and be fed.
Hold the others and be held.
You have always known how.
Let yourself remember.
It’s time now.
Time to gather.
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