breath earth letting go meditations on life now plants trust Jul 29, 2024
3d rendering of large blue whale breathing spouting fountain of water humpback whale breaths steam

Our cells breathe too

O2 in and CO2 out.


Our hemoglobin playing

Musical chairs with our life.


When our blood fills

With carbon dioxide,


We must get it out—

Make room for the oxygen.


Our lungs are a vacuum,

Opened by our diaphragm.


The atmosphere always

Ready to give or take.


But we must exhale.

Let go of what we are holding.


Trusting the oxygen

Will be there for the next breath.


CO2 is not our enemy,

It’s our barter with the plants.


12 times each minute,

We choose to trust and exchange.


Hail to this constant!

We so often take for granted.


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