Duck & Cover

meditations on life Feb 05, 2021

I step out on the plank

Placing one foot, then the other


It wobbles a little under my feet

Unsteady ground.


The vast ocean on all sides,

it's horizon far in front of me.


It’s a long way down

My stomach crawls up to my heart for comfort


I need to do this

It’s a little crazy for sure.


Another step toward the edge.

And another.


A flock of ducks rises through clouds

They know where they are going


A lightness envelops me

Lifting my spirits


Just one more step

No need to leap


Fear rising in my throat

As my heart overrides my head


Maybe I know where I’m going too?


Leaning into the wind, I step

I float, suspended in the air


Nothing to push against for momentum No calling or need, no ground


Faint cries of life and land ahead

Drift by every so often


What a strange place to be

No cover and no risk of danger


My heart propels me forward

Generating just enough force to move me


This must be how I navigate this

My heart already knows where I’m going.


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