Down Load

challenge expansion fly growth mindfulness rise vulnerable Jul 22, 2024
Baby swan on it's parent's back, sheltered by a wing.

We are vulnerable

When we are growing.


Fluffy, shaking, weak,

Awkward and ugly cute.


Left on our own,

An easy target for predators.


We look to others,

Who have grown their wings,


To carry us

And inspire us to fly.


But there is a crucial moment,

When we must let go of support.


We must figure out

How our wings work best,


We must become strong,

Curious and bold.


Push our necks out

Against the heavy wind.


Waiting for the moment when

A sudden knowing arrives in us.


And we feel the winds differently,

As the power to rise.


We have crossed

An unseen threshold.


Now is the time,

To grow or die.


Stretching our wings,

Heart lifted open,


Eyes focused, neck extended,

Up to the sun,


We release all limitation.

So much to learn about the sky.


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