
emotional health intuitive medicine Feb 04, 2021

Okay, critical voice in my head. You have been a different brand of mean this week. There is a cruelness and persistence uncommon lately.


And so, have at it.

You have 6 min. I’m setting a timer.

Say what you need to say, then you will be done and leave me alone.


You’ll never make it.

You are nothing.

You don’t know what you’re doing.

You’re just moving your life again and again. Never building or establishing yourself like the rest of your friends your age.

Are you thinking about retirement?


I imagine my retirement will look more like the doctor from the blog yesterday. Just taking a break for portions of my work and continuing with my writing and teaching.


I’m angry.

You just don’t care about me or anything.

Why do you always do this?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!

You’re just making fun of me now.

Do you even know who you are?

Blah, Blah, Blah….


Nevermind, you’ll never listen to me anyway.

It’s not like I matter to you, no matter how hard I try.

All I do is work for you.


You have 1 min left.


But, you need me!

Don’t push me out!

I can help you.

I can do better!

You don’t have to put up with me all the time.

I like it here.


Your time is up.

Now you will listen to me.


I appreciated your attempts to keep me safe.

I appreciate that I don’t feel as safe this week, but your criticism is not productive for me. It only drags me down.



*slightly choking. Cough*


GUIDE: You’ve done well. The voice has quieted. Your mind has a hard job. Always looking for solution requires finding a problem to fix. This is worse when you find yourself in the middle of a big change. The “problem” is one that you can help your mind accept. Direct it toward helping you plan for future possibilities or action steps you can take along the way.


Thank you.




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