
hope letting go listen magic present synchronicity May 22, 2022

A tiny voice inside my head said,

“Go back.”


I knew it was my inner child

Asking, so


I went back.


I picked up the eraser I knew she wanted—

Unicorn with rainbows.


It had the word ‘Dream’

On the front.


It smelled like childhood.


Ok. I can give her this little thing,

Only $1.99 after all.


As I hand it to the clerk, I notice

Another message on the back:




10 years ago, a similar voice had said,

“Go back” 


I went back to look at a poster

Hanging in the hallway.


That poster changed my life.


One pivotal moment—instrumental

In the choices that followed.


Leading me to 

Who I have become.


Bringing me to my wife, and my calling. 


Funny how things run in cycles.

The good times and the bad.


I wonder how many times I missed 

looking on the back of the eraser?


My angels on the edge of their seats.


The evidence of synchronicity has

Been overwhelming.


If I calculate all the magic moments

Of my life.


Why do I still forget sometimes?


Is it so the universe can send me 

Reminders, just like this:


Sometimes there are mistakes in 

Building your dreams.


It’s okay to erase the past, start again, and



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